What is real dharma / religion? Why there is quarrel in the name of religion?
Dharma is sometimes translated as religion,but that is not exactly its meaning. Dharma actually means that which one cannot give up, which is inseparable from oneself. There is nitya-dharma and anitya-dharma, eternaldharma and temporary dharma. Every living or noliving object around us , has its eternal nature or dharma. That nitya-dharma cannot be separated from the an object. Srila Prabhupada gives an example: the warmth of fire is inseparable from fire. Therefore,warmth is the nitya or eternal dharma of fire. Another example is water. Liquidity is the eternal dharma of water. Sometimes if there is freezing cold then water turns into a block of frozen ice. But that is not its eternal dharma. The eternal dharma of water is liquidity. When the temperature rises again, it melts. The ice is temporary, anitya-dharma. The body has its dharma, the mind has its dharma, and the soul has its dharma. Sense gratification is the dharma of the material body. The dharma of the mind is sankalpa and ...