
Showing posts from September, 2009

How do we know if God is real? Is God, just a concept?Can a scientist believe in God?

One way we can come to understand or verify the existence of God is simply by studying the meticulous organization of this universe and all the things happening around us. There is such precise design, order and control in the way everything in nature functions, from the gigantic planetary movements down to the intricate workings of a cell. Is it not illogical to propose that this vast universe is conducted so meticulously just by chance and for no purpose? From our practical experience, we know that without much laborious planning, organization and maintenance, everything quickly degrades to chaos. So who has planned, organized and is maintaining the universe? Consider how is it that the sun rises every morning without fail or why there isn't a tsunami or earthquake every week, consider who has supplied all our necessities like fresh water, air and food? Scientists would try to explain that away as natural laws which have come by blind chance, but law means there must be a law-mak...

Killing of Plants and bacteria while cooking Vegtarian food.

It is written in purport of Bhagavad Gita (14.16) that one should not kill any living entity. But, microorganisms (bacteria, virus) are always killed by us and plants are also living entities. While one accepts that one should not kill animals for eating, but what about plants and bacteria and vermins? Does that incur sin? Yes, killing any living entity knowingly, or even unknowingly, incurs sinful reactions. The Supreme Lord is the supreme Father of all beings and every living entity has the right to live in this world, just as we humans do. We do not have the right, because of being in a superior life form, to needlessly take the life of or even cause pain to any other living entity; rather as human beings we are expected to show compassion to these innocent creatures. In fact, Srimad Bhagavatam describes that it is the duty of a grihastha (householder) to protect and maintain even the insects, lizards and other lower life forms as if they were one's own children, what to speak o...