Who is Guru or spiritual master?
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that one who is master in the science of Krishna consciousness, regardless of his social position, is the real spiritual master.
kibā vipra, kibā nyāsī, śūdra kene naya
yei krishna-tattva-vettā, sei 'guru' haya
yei krishna-tattva-vettā, sei 'guru' haya
"It does not matter whether a person is a vipra [learned scholar in Vedic wisdom] or is born in a lower family, or is in the renounced order of life — if he is master in the science of Krishna, he is the perfect and bona fide spiritual master." So without being a master in the science of Krishna consciousness, no one is a bona fide spiritual master.
Padma Purāna
"A scholarly brāhmana expert in all subjects of Vedic knowledge, is unfit to become a spiritual master without being a Vaisnava, or expert in the science of Krsna consciousness. But a person born in a family of a lower caste can become a spiritual master if he is a Vaisnava or Krishna conscious."
Sri Chaitanya taught that Bhakti, or loving devotion to Krishna, is both the most effective spiritual practice and the ultimate goal of all spiritual practices.
Sri Chaitanya also contributed immensely to theology by teaching that God is simultaneously identical to and different from His energies, including the material world and us finite souls.
Among the many books by His disciples, Krishnadasa Kaviraja’s biography Chaitanya Charitamrita is both a fascinating telling of Sri Chaitanya’s life and a rich blend of deep devotion and robust theology.