
Showing posts from 2010

How to control and purify our mind?

How to control and purify our mind? That is a very important question. It’s the essence of life. That question and its answer is the path of perfection. We become what we associate with. If we associate with impure people, impure activities, impure thoughts, we become polluted. If we associate with people who are pure, activities that are pure, and thoughts that are pure, we become purified. Srila Prabhupada, gave the example of an iron rod. If we put it in fire, it becomes red and hot like fire; and if you touch it, you’ll be burnt the same way as when you touch fire directly. That is the power of association. But if we put that same iron rod in ice, it will become as cold as ice. So, our purification or our degradation is based on what our mind and senses associate with. Krishna tells in the Bhagavad Gita that by engaging our senses and our mind, which is our sixth sense, in the service of the Lord, we become purified of all illusory designations. Elsewhere in the Vedas it is said th...

Why there is fight in name of religion?

Why there is fight in name of religion? Radhanath Swami: I do not see it as a problem of religion. I see it as the problem caused by irreligion in the guise of religion. We have to find what religion actually is. Real religion does not mean a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, Zoroastrian, Jain, or Buddhist. These can be very much social, ethnic, or egoistic identities. Real religion is that process which awakens one’s love for God. Where there is the awakening of love for God, there are the qualities of tolerance, peace, compassion, mercy, self control, and forgiveness; these are the universal qualities of anyone who loves God. Where we find sectarianism, envy or cruelty that is not religion. If any of these people who fight really understood what is really in their scriptures, they wouldn’t behave with another person based on external beliefs. When a man comes home, sometimes he is dressed in a three piece suit; sometimes he comes in a swimming suit; sometimes he comes in his paj...

What is Leadership ?

Who is a leader? Within the Vedic culture, anyone who had dependents was considered a leader. Therefore, not only the Kings or Heads of State (ksatriyas) were accepted as leaders, but those having dependents even in household life, are also regarded as leaders. Standard Qualities of Leaders Vedic literatures give us clear and specific information about the qualities needed for a good leader. From the Srimad Bhagavatam, the following ten qualities of leader are given: 1. influential , 2. unconquerable 3. patient 4. challenging 5. charitable, 6. can control the bodily necessities 7. forgiving, 8. attached to the brahminical nature 9. always jolly 10. truthful Srila Prabhupada explains: Leadership within the Vedic culture carries a heavy responsibility. Leader should be very responsible and take charge of his dependents just as a spiritual master takes charge of his disciple or a father takes charge of his son. To become a parent is a life-long responsibility, at least until the childre...