What is Leadership ?
Who is a leader?
- Within the Vedic culture, anyone who had dependents was considered a leader.
- Therefore, not only the Kings or Heads of State (ksatriyas) were accepted as leaders, but those having dependents even in household life, are also regarded as leaders.
Standard Qualities of Leaders
- Vedic literatures give us clear and specific information about the qualities needed for a good leader.
- From the Srimad Bhagavatam, the following ten qualities of leader are given:
- 1. influential ,
2. unconquerable
3. patient
4. challenging
5. charitable,
6. can control the bodily necessities
7. forgiving,
8. attached to the brahminical nature
9. always jolly
10. truthful
Srila Prabhupada explains:
- Leadership within the Vedic culture carries a heavy responsibility.
- Leader should be very responsible and take charge of his dependents just as a spiritual master takes charge of his disciple or a father takes charge of his son.
- To become a parent is a life-long responsibility, at least until the children are grown up and can start their own family life. Much preparation and training is required for both the young boys and the young girls before entering householder life.
- Likewise, to become a leader for a much larger family, a village, a state, a country or the world is even more demanding and requires the highest of qualifications.
- There is urgent need to establish both standard Gurukulas to train qualified leaders; otherwise we can expect to continue witnessing a leadership crisis around the world.